ATEE Members – ATEE 2020 Spring Conference


The congress fee includes admission to the full conference, programme & abstracts book. When you register, please have the correct invoice address to your organisation at hand.

You are an ATEE member and have paid the 2020 membership fee or are in the process of paying this before attending the congress.

If you intend to become a member, please apply via this link: 

The ATEE secretariat will handle the invoice concerning the membership,
please contact Ms. Mariagrazia Tagliabue email:

This does not apply to participants from low-income countries as they
are already entitled to a lower membership fee.

SKU: ATEEM Category:


The congress fee includes admission to the full conference, programme & abstracts book. When you register, please have the correct invoice address to your organisation at hand.

You are an ATEE member and have paid the 2020 membership fee or are in the process of paying this before attending the congress.

If you intend to become a member, please apply via this link: